1 day Joint Mart in Antioch IL.

Joint Chapter Meeting

Co-Hosted by

NAWCC Chapters 3 and 47

Saturday August 19th, 2017
9:00am to 2:00pm

VFW Post 4551  |  75 North Ave, Antioch IL

Come Join us for our
Annual Joint Chapter Meeting
  • Free Admission to NAWCC members.
  • Open to the public, $5.00 admission.
  • $5.00 mart tables, NAWCC members.
  • No preregistration, first come first serve.

This meeting is to recruit new members to the NAWCC, and the host chapters. Please bring your friends.

Contact: David Lee ♦ davidlee@theclockworks.com

  • We reserve the right to limit the number of tables per attendee.

Chapter 47’s Meeting Location Has Changed

Norway House has cancelled our contract as they are selling the building and the new owners are not interested in renting.  I have found a new location that is similar in size and not too far from our old location.  The facility is very nice and compatible with the things we do at our meetings.  Rent is the same but they will make the coffee and do setup and take down which will be nice.
New Location is:
Knights of Columbus, 1800 South 92nd Street, West Allis, WI 53214
Hours: 8:00 Mart setup, 9:00 Mart opens, 10:00 Educational Program
Dates reserved are as follows:
September 24, 2017, same as planned for Norway House
November 19, 2017, new date (different from date on previous schedules)
January 7, 2018
March 18, 2018
May 6, 2018
September 16, 2018
November 18, 2018
Thanks for your understanding,
Craig White

Our Next Mart will be Held on May 7th, 2017


This month’s educational speaker will be Jack Heisler.  The title of his talk is: Chronometers, and where the hell are we. Jack is a past president of chapter 47 and also held most of the offices at the time.  He has been an instructor in Waukesha Technical College, as well as a field suit case instructor for the NAWCC.  This is sure to be a very informative talk.

Bring your chronometers to show the group and here what Jack has to say about them.  Or stand up and tell us what you know about the time keeper

The Meeting will be at the Norway House, 7507 W Oklahoma Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53219. Table setup starts at 8:00, meeting starts at 9:00, lecture starts at 10:00.

January’s Mart will be on the 8th at 9:00 am

The educational talk will be “Sundials of Wisconsin” by Ed Buc

Message from the President
The last of presentation for the year was given by Bill Galinsky.  He presented a detailed history of the maker of the table top cuckoo clock.  The owner of this clock is Mike Dempsey and we have been watching it’s restoration over the last couple of years in our chapter meetings.  Bill has demonstrated carving replacement parts and finishing techniques to get new wood to match the old wood, an art all of its self.  It really turned out well and will be a great addition to Mike’s collection.

The November election was completed with all officers and directors agreeing to serve their same positions for 2 more years.   I would also like to thank Mike Dempsey of the election committee for organizing this election.  Also a big thanks for all the officers and directors for doing their role making everyone’s job easy and fun.

The membership voted to raise the dues from $20 to $25/year and keep the donuts for all to enjoy at the meetings.  Thank you for participating in the vote.

We still need volunteers for the educational talks for 2017, see Harry Schulz or myself with suggestions or volunteers.

The January talk will be on sundials by Ed Buc.

Thank you,
Craig White

The Dues rates for 2017 are as follows:

$25 – Dues for 2017
$10 – Gold Card (prepaid admission to the marts)
$5 – Paper Newsletter (mailed to your home)

Dues can be paid at the January Mart or mailed to:

NAWCC Chapter 47
PO Box 5252
Milwaukee WI 53205-5252

DannO Osterud


Our Next Meeting will be on Sunday, November 13th.

The last of program for the year will be by Bill Galinski.  He will make a presentation on the restoration of Mike Dempsey’s cuckoo clock  we have been watching over the last couple of years.  If you remember this is the clock he has demonstrated carving and finishing a while back.

The board has reviewed our finances for the upcoming 2017 calendar year, and we are anticipating a monetary short fall.  Our expenses are very few, Norway House rental, insurance, coffee, fruit and donuts.  After much discussion we came up with 2 alternatives as follows:

  • Raise dues from $20 to $25 per year
  • Eliminate the “free” donuts

Either option should balance our chapter’s budget in 2017.  Please let Craig White know your individual thoughts (NAWCC.Chapter47@gmail.com) on which option you would prefer, or let our Treasurer, DannO know at the door at next meeting.

Our Secretary Ed Buc was interviewed on radio station WUWM for a segment they did on a local clock tower. Hear the story here. Read more on this clock tower in Ed’s Spot a Clock article on this clock tower.

The November meeting will also be the time that officers and directors election will be held.  This election occurs every 2 years.  Please contact Mike Dempsey of the election committee if you are interested in helping out running the chapter.  Officer’s roles are President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.   The director’s duties are primary in attending short meetings following some of normal chapter meetings.


Our next meeting will be on September 18th.

Our next meeting is on September 18th, 2016 at the Norway House. Please see the Events page for times.

For the Educational Program Craig White will be showing some home videos that the late Don Brown made back in 2006 of some of his clocks and watches. As many of you know he had a great collection as well as a vast knowledge of horology. So join us for a visit to Don’s collection.

Show and Tell—Anything you would like to talk about!

Visit the Newsletter page for the most recent newsletter.

There will be a board meeting following the education presentation to discuss the future of the Midwest regional and other items.

Our Next Mart will be on May 15th.

The speaker at May’s meeting will be Bruce Shawkey. Bruce has been collecting vintage watches since 1986, and has been a dedicated dealer in vintage watches since 1991. He has written many articles for the Bulletin and will be giving a talk titled The Wristwatch Turns 100!
The modern man’s wristwatch came of age in the crucible of World War I, which marks its 100th anniversary next year. In two short years — from 1917 to 1919 — the man’s wristwatch turned from a novelty into a rugged, masculine accessory that would go on to replace the pocket watch as the preferred timepiece for men. Learn how that all happened, and get a few tips on buying these early timepieces for your collection.
See the Events page for time and location.
Hope to see you there.

Our next mart will be held on March 20th

Our next meeting is on March 20th, 2016 at the Norway House. Please see the Events page for times.

For the Educational Program Craig White will give a presentation on monumental clocks and show a local one still available to see in Oshkosh.

Clocks in the News. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel did a write up on the Allan Bradley clock tower and Steve Strzok who maintains it on July 29th. Check it out here.

Next Mart is January 24, 2016.

Our next meeting is on Sunday, January 24, 2016 at the Norway House. Please see the Events page for times.

Instead of an Educational Lecture we will be doing a Show and Tell by the members. Please bring something unusual or with an interesting story to share. Should be fun.

There will be a computer and projector available if you need to add some supporting photos.

Check out January’s newsletter for all the latest. The new Spot a Clock is posted, along with the older ones, on the Spot a Clock page
