Our Next Mart is November 13th

At our November meeting  Bill Galinski will present a workshop on how to make clock hands from bone. See the presidents message below for details.

Note from the Treasurer. 
Just want to let everyone know that there will be an increase in admission rates for 2023. Admission will be going from $3 to $5, and the price of a Gold Card will go from $10 to $15. The board reached this decision after a discussion about our expenses and income. In an effort to remain financially viable, we decided this was the best course of action. Expenses are rising, hall rental for 2023 is going up by $50 a mart, and I am sure everyone is aware of the overall rise in prices due to inflation.  In my last trip to Chicago’s Chapter 3 mart, admission at the door was $12 and prepaid admission was $8, so at $5 I feel we are still a bargain.  We have had some very generous donations from club members in the last couple of years that have helped immensely with the chapters finances. Membership is down slightly from pre-Covid times, hopefully we will get more people returning as things return to normal.  If you think you know someone who might be interested in what we do, please bring them along to the mart, maybe we can get them to join.
DannO Osterud.

Presidents Message,
Next meeting is November 13, 2022. 
The educational talk for September was given by Craig White.  I showed the restoration of an Illuminated Alarm Clock.  Slides and a video showed how the clock wakes you up with clanging on a bell and lighting an alcohol lamp.  Goal of coarse was also to not burn ones house down in the process.  I also managed to not burn down the hall.  As always there were some lessons to be learned to get the mechanism to work properly. Type of matches and match strike surfaces turned out to be an unanticipated hurdle, but Amazon to the rescue.
At our November meeting  Bill Galinski will present a workshop on how to make clock hands from bone.  To give it a try bring the following tools:
1) Small table clamp vice or drill press vice (3 inch jaw), or a small Jorgenson clamp.
2) Exacto knife.
3) Fine Sharpe
4) Dental picks.
5) Set of needle files (5 files contoured or not).
6) A small scrap piece of wood to work on.
7) Jeweler saw or coping saw with a wire blade.
8) Broken hand and/or the dial if you want to make a replacement hand. You can also make a hand just for the purpose of learning. Prepared bone material will be provided.  

We still need volunteers for talks and/or demonstration for 2023.  Please contact Harry Schultz or myself with ideas or suggestions.  
Free tables!!  A free silent auction table will also be available.
Hope to see you all there.