March 15th, 2020 Mart

The January talk was given by Rich Newman our current NAWCC Chairman of the board. He showed many pictures of watch papers and explained their evolution. He spoke of their history and use. He also brought what might the oldest American watch paper along so we could see it directly. Very interesting talk and excellent close-up photography of watch papers and watches.
The March meeting educational talk will be given by Danno on early watch and clock tools.
The Midwest Watch and Clock Mart will be held at the VFW post in Antioch IL on August 22, 2020. It is Chapter 47’s turn to run the event. Please let me know if you can help out on the day of the event.

Further educational talks planned for 2020 are:
May – Mike Dempsey watch and clock making tools demonstration.
September – Bill Galinsky will give a talk and demonstration on Bone Carving of Clock Hands
November – Craig White Strasbourg Astronomical Clock .
Thank you,
Craig White